
Khula Darbar In Block Education Offices of Jind District

Khula Darbar In Block Education Offices of Jind District will be organised in the month of December 2018. This Khula Darbar will be organised for redressal of grievance of concerned employees.

दिसंबर में सभी ब्लाकों में BEO कार्यालयों पर लगाए जाएंगे खुले दरबार(जिला~जींद)

Haryana Govt School In charge Leave Sanction Rules For JBT Teacher

Letter regarding Haryana Govt School In charge Leave Sanction DDO For Primary JBT Salary . This letter tells that Head of the institution of High or Senior secondary school will be the DDO for Head teacher of Primary wing school and Other JBT Teachers (If the primary School is situated in the same campus or in the same village) Leave of the head teacher of the primary school will be sanctioned by the head of higher level school in the same village or campus. Head teacher of the Primary school will keep the attendance register of school. If the primary school is situated in the same campus then head teacher of the Primary school will accept the leave from other jbt teachers. He will recommend this leave to the head of the higher level school.

Payday Haryana Salary day By Finance Department Haryana

Payday Haryana Salary day By Finance Department Haryana

Application Form LTC Rules Haryana Leave travel Concession

You will find here a letter regarding LTC Rules Haryana or Leave travel Concession rules. This is the new scheme regulating Leave travel Concession LTC for visiting the home town and any other place in India for the Haryana state government Employees. LTC rules for Haryana govt employees

Read here LTC notification of the Haryana government. You can also visit the undermentioned link. You will be able to know about what are the LTC Performa Haryana govt 2020-23

LTC form for Haryana Govt. employees

Application Form for LTC block 2016 2019 block of four years along with the undertaking. According to the new scheme of Leave Travel Concession the current LTC Block of four years is from 01-01-2016 to 31-12-2019. Important PDF1 PDF2 file Letter for  LTC Rules Haryana Govt Employees.

Right to Resignation Government Employee

Important News regarding Right to Resignation Government Employee


Confirmation JBT Teachers Haryana

Haryana Education Department confirms its employees whosoever completes his probation period of two years. Confirmation JBT Teachers Haryana depends on the work and conduct of these teachers. If  work and conduct of an employee is satisfactory, then competent authority may confirm him.

Letter Confirmation JBT Teachers Haryana  - Fatehabad

District Elementary Education Officer Fatehabad issued a letter on 22 November 2018. In this letter DEEO made instructions for confirmation of JBT Teachers and Head Teachers who have completed 2 years of probation period successfully. 

Haryana Government Employees Loan Advance For House Marriage Vehicle

Haryana Government Loan Advance For House Marriage Vehicle

Haryana PGT offline Transfer

Haryana Pgt teacher offline transfer letter 2018.

SSA Chandigarh Exam Dates - JBT Teachers Vacancy

SSA Chandigarh Exam Dates are annouced. SSA Chandigarh advertised 418 post of JBT teachers on contract basis. Samgra shiksha UT CHANDIGARH advertised the post of JBT teachers on 3 October 2018. 

SSA Chandigarh Exam Dates

Exam dates for written test is as under

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