Chandigarh police issued summon to almost 200 new recruited teachers who were appointed in the year 2015. These teachers who belonged to the state of Haryana were asked to join the investigation in the recruitment scam case. On 24th September 2016 teachers joined the investigation. The Police announced to conduct a written test on the spot. Teachers were asked to be present at sector 26 police station. There a written test was conducted. But the teachers were surprised to heard about the written test on the spot. After taking the test the teachers of UT education department are in a confusion that what is that test meant for. Some of the teachers raised question about the written test. Because there was no prior information was given to them about the test. So without any preparation teachers took the test. Many questions arises in the mind of the teachers. The subject of Punjabi in the written test may trouble the candidates because most of the candidates were from Haryana and they do not have a good hand in the subject of Punjabi language.
Teacher Haryana - Teacher and Student, Haryana Punjab Education News HTET CTET Service rules, career, government jobs, vacancy, advertisements, letters, notifications,recruitment, joining, appointment, laws, court case status update
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